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Today7.30am - 8.30pm
Monday7.30am - 8.30pm
Tuesday7.30am - 8.30pm
Wednesday7.30am - 8.30pm
Thursday7.30am - 8.30pm
Friday7.30am - 8.30pm
Saturday7.30am - 8.30pm

Banana and peach or mango - stage 2 baby food

Serves   1
Prep time: 5 mins
Cooking time: 0

This nutritious blend of popular fruits makes a great Stage 2 meal and teh great thing is there'e no cooking. Perfect if you plan being out at a mealtime as you can take the ripe fruit with you and mash it when you’re ready.





  • 1 peach or mango
  • 1 banana


  1. Skin and stone a small ripe peach or mango and purée the flesh.
  2. Mix with ripe mashed banana