Vaseline Deep Restore Body Lotion 750ml
Vaseline Deep Restore Body Lotion 750ml
Every day, your skin is exposed to damaging environmental factors like extreme temperatures, low humidity, harsh cleansers and hot water. Vaseline® Intensive Care™ lotions replenish lost skin moisture and absorb deeply to keep skin looking healthy. Vaseline has long been used to manage symptoms of many severe skin conditions.Vaseline acts as an extremely powerful skin moisturiser to provide a barrier against water loss from already dry skin and help protect against the effects of weather and exposure. Vaseline® believes that truly healthy skin starts with deep moisture. It’s not something you get by masking problems or through quick fixes. We know this because we are the original skin experts. • Replenish Skins moisture • Literally melts into the skin • Restores the appearance of dry skin • Absorbs fast for a non-greasy feel on skin • Leaves your skin deeply moisturised and looking healthier • With microdroplets of Vaseline Jelly and pure oat extract
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