Steinlager Tokyo Dry Lager Beer Can 500ml

Steinlager Tokyo Dry Lager Beer Can 500ml


500ml Can Tokyo Dry is a smooth, refreshing super dry lager that’s clear and crisp to produce a combination of NZ raw ingredients that meets Japanese brewing mastery. Pilsner malt and rice syrup are added in the brewhouse to help lighten the overall flavour and give the beer its crisp finish. It is also lightly hopped with NZ Green Bullet hops for a subtle hop flavour and just the right amount of bitterness to balance the flavour of the malted barley. ABV: 5%

Serving/pack: 1 Serving size: 500ml

NutrientPer 100mlPer Serving
Fat - Total< 0.1g< 0.5g
Fat - Saturated< 0.1g< 0.5g
Sugar - Total0.1g0.5g

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