Healtheries Apple Cider Vinegar 750ml

Healtheries Apple Cider Vinegar 750ml



It may be an oldie but it’s a goodie! Healtheries Apple Cider Vinegar is a great tasting tonic suitable for a wide variety of purposes. Well-known for supporting general wellbeing, this tonic is a great addition to your daily regime. Made right here in New Zealand, Healtheries Apple Cider Vinegar starts it's life as fresh, whole, sun- ripened apples on Nelson trees. The apples are carefully picked, pressed and naturally fermented to create an unpasteurised, unfiltered vinegar that's rich in the live, beneficial bacteria known as 'the Mother'. Contains no Artificial colours, flavours or preservatives.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Purified Water

Serving/pack: 75 Serving size: 10ml

NutrientPer 100mlPer Serving
Protein0.1g< 0.1g
Fat - Total< 0.1g< 0.1g
Fat - Saturated< 0.1g< 0.1g
Carbohydrates0.7g< 0.1g
Sugar - Total0.1g< 0.1g
Sodium< 5mg< 5mg

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