Sodastream Mountain Dew Soda Mix 440ml
Sodastream Mountain Dew Soda Mix 440ml
Mountain Dew is a bold and distinctly refreshing citrus flavoured carbonated soft drink. With its caffeinated formula, Mountain Dew provides an energised lift and exhilarates and quenches with its one-of-a-kind taste. Simply add a capful of syrup to sparkling water for that classic soda flavour.
Sugar, Water, Food Acids (330, 331), Flavour, Sweeteners (955, 950), Maltodextrin, Colours (Safflower Concentrate, Black Carrot Juice Concentrate), Caffeine, Preservative (211)
Contains Caffeine
Serving/pack: 34 Serving size: 250ml
Nutrient | Per 100ml | Per Serving |
Energy | 52kJ | 131kJ |
Protein | 0g | 0g |
Fat - Total | 0g | 0g |
Fat - Saturated | 0g | 0g |
Carbohydrates | 3g | 7.5g |
Sugar - Total | 2.9g | 7.3g |
Sodium | 9.5mg | 23.7mg |
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