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Opening Hours

Today7.00am - 9.00pm
Thursday7.00am - 9.00pm
Friday7.00am - 9.00pm
Saturday7.00am - 9.00pm
Sunday7.00am - 9.00pm
Monday7.00am - 9.00pm
Tuesday7.00am - 9.00pm

Privacy Policy

1. What is this Privacy Policy for?

To access our services such as online shopping and our Clubcard loyalty programme, you will be asked to provide some personal information about yourself. Personal information is any information about you that identifies you, or by which your identity can reasonably be discovered.

This policy sets out how we will use and protect your personal information while complying with our obligations under the Privacy Act 2020 (“Privacy Act”).

In addition, selected New World franchised stores that use facial recognition technology (“FR Stores”) may collect and use your personal information using facial recognition technology (“FR System”). Section 11 of this Privacy Policy sets out how the FR Stores will use and protect personal information collected using the FR System. For clarity, sections 2 to 10 of this Privacy Policy do not apply to any personal information collected by FR Stores using a FR System.

For more information about the use of facial recognition technology in FR Stores, see here

2. Who holds my personal information?

Your personal information (other than personal information collected by a FR Store using its FR System) is held by Foodstuffs (N.Z.) Limited and is used by Foodstuffs North Island Limited and Foodstuffs South Island Limited (together, “Foodstuffs”) to provide the Services set out below to you through their New World franchised stores (“New World” “we” or “us” in this Privacy Policy).

3. When will New World be collecting my personal information?

We may collect personal information from you when you interact with us. This includes when you:

• visit a New World store;
• use New World’s online supermarket where you can search for and purchase grocery items through the New World website or mobile application (Online Shopping);
• use New World’s Clubcard loyalty programme (Clubcard);
• use Shop & Go (only some New World stores);
• register to receive regular marketing communications; and/or
• any other services we provide now or in the future,
(together, the Services).

4. What type of personal information will New World collect?

The type of personal information we may collect when you access and use the Services includes your name, postal and delivery address, email address and phone number.

If you visit New World stores, those stores may collect your personal information through their CCTV camera system, including your image and the number plate of your vehicle.

In addition, in the course of using some of the Services we may collect other information from you, including demographic information like age and gender (Clubcard), mobile location data (Online Shopping), and information about the products you purchase (e.g. your preferences, products purchased and returns history).

You may not be able to access some of the Services unless you agree to provide the personal information relevant to that service. For example, you will not be able to sign up for marketing emails unless you give us your name and email address.

We also collect anonymous information such as the number of visitors per day to our website and the average amount of time spent on the website.

5. Why do we collect personal information?

We collect personal information to provide you with the Services. This may include:

• To allow you to access and view your account created to receive the Services;
• To contact you about your use of the Services;
• To process and deliver any orders placed through the Services. For example, if you are a Clubcard member, we may contact you in relation to store transactions where you have scanned your Clubcard, or, if you made a purchase through Online Shopping, we may contact you about your order;
• To enable you to participate in competitions and promotions which may be available to New World’s customers from time to time;
• To take appropriate actions to keep your information secure;
• To provide or send you targeted marketing (or allow a third party to provide you) via email, online (including social media) or physical mail, with details of special offers, discounts, prize draws, loyalty programmes (including Clubcard), information about products or services offered by New World, or other third party providers, or other information that may be of interest to you, your family or household;
• To enhance your overall experience of the Services;
• To identify and determine the benefits, offers or promotions that may be of interest to you, your family or household based on your use of the Services;
• Matching your shopping preferences with those of other New World customers on an anonymous basis by using your demographics, to help us improve our customer offerings instore and online and develop new products;
• Providing tailored specials and discounts for you;
• Collating all personal information that New World, Foodstuffs, and our partners and service providers, hold about you, including collected via any Foodstuffs’ managed platforms or services, in a single profile, so that we can analyse and improve your experience and the services provided to you by New World
• To conduct research related to your use of the Services;
• To help you complete any application by you to join Foodstuffs’ loyalty programmes (including Clubcard) and obtain the benefits of the programme;
• If you visit New World stores, to detect and prevent criminal or disorderly behaviour and to monitor and ensure the safety and security of people in or around those stores, including our staff and customers; and
• Such other purpose we make known to you at the time of collection.

Where possible, New World will collect your personal information directly from you. However, we may also collect your personal information from third parties you have authorised to share your personal information or who help us to manage loss prevention, retail crime, damage to property and public safety, including other retailers. We may also take any reasonable action required to keep your information accurate and secure.

6. Do we disclose personal information to anyone else?

We may sometimes need to disclose your personal information to others. By using one or all of the Services, you agree that we may disclose your personal information for any of the purposes listed in the above section, but only to the extent necessary to achieve those purposes.

We may disclose your personal information to:

• a Foodstuffs entity and its staff;
• a franchisee of Foodstuffs i.e. a New World Store;
• for Clubcard users who collect Flybuys (including New World Dollars), to Loyalty New Zealand Limited (which operates Fly Buys);
• for Clubcard users who collect Airpoints, to Air New Zealand Limited (which operates Airpoints);
• any relevant third party that offers goods or services that we think may be of interest to you (for example, fuel providers);
• a third party outside of New World who is contracted to us (or Foodstuffs) to provide a particular service to you on our behalf;
• a third party outside of New World who is contracted to us (or Foodstuffs) to provide a particular service to us (or Foodstuffs);
• our appointed payment provider to process your payments for purchases;
• a third party helping us to manage loss prevention, retail crime, damage to property and public safety, including other retailers and law enforcement agencies; and
• third parties when we believe, in good faith, that we are required to do so by law.

You consent to the disclosure of your personal information in accordance with this Privacy Policy to the parties listed above.

7. Does New World use cookies?

When you access New World’s websites, social media pages and/or mobile apps, we may use cookies to track your use of the Services so that we can provide you with the best possible shopping experience. A cookie is a small piece of data that a website sends to your browser that may be stored on your system. Some information/services may be unavailable if you chose to disable your browser from accepting cookies.

We may use the information generated by cookies to:

• track traffic patterns to and from our website;
• ensure any content (which may include any advertising) is being shown to the most appropriate person; and
• enable us to serve targeted advertising to you (on our website and elsewhere).

By using the Services you consent to the storing and accessing of cookies or other information on your device in connection with your use of our website.

We use various app, web and/or email analytics tools to collect information about your activity when you use the Services through one of our websites or mobile applications (e.g., Online Shopping or Clubcard). The information we collect through the use of such analytics tools may be information about you (e.g. products, services, or specials that you engage with on the relevant website) or anonymous information (e.g. the number of visitors per day or the average amount of time spent on the relevant website). By accessing and using one of our websites, you consent to our use of such analytics tools to collect information about your access and use of the Services through that website.

8. How do I receive and opt out of direct marketing?

When you register to receive marketing communications from us, your name and contact details will be added to our New World database (and/or a database of Foodstuffs) along with your preferences for receiving communications from us, e.g. email, text message and/or physical mail.

All commercial electronic messages from us will contain an unsubscribe function if you no longer want to receive them from us. You can unsubscribe at any time by using this function or by changing your account preferences.

We will endeavour to update your account preferences as soon as possible. If you unsubscribe or cancel your registration we may not be able to provide you with all or some of the Services.

9. Do you keep my personal information secure?

Security of personal information is very important to us and we will take all reasonable steps to protect your personal information from misuse, loss, unauthorised access, modification or disclosure. However, you acknowledge that security of the transmission of data over the internet can never be guaranteed, and it is your sole responsibility to protect access to any emails you receive from us that provide access to your account. To the maximum extent permitted by law, Foodstuffs will not be liable for any direct or indirect damage or loss if any third party gains unauthorised access to your information.

We will only retain personal information for as long as is required for the purposes for which that information may lawfully be used. Where New World collects personal information through the use of video surveillance systems, we may retain the personal information for as long as is necessary to investigate a crime or incident in accordance with New Zealand law.

10. How do I access and update my personal information?

Your personal information (other than personal information collected by a FR Store using its FR System) will be held by Foodstuffs (N.Z.) Limited or Foodstuffs North Island Limited at 35 Landing Drive, Mangere, Auckland 2022, or by Foodstuffs South Island Limited at 167 Main North Road in Christchurch and/or by one or more of Foodstuffs' trusted data service providers.

Under the Privacy Act you have the right to request access to your personal information that we hold, and to have that information corrected and/or updated. You can update some of your personal information online via your account or contact our Customer Support Centre on 0800 4 NEW WORLD (0800 463 996). We will rely on the information that you have provided us so please ensure that information is accurate and kept up-to-date.

11. Use of facial recognition by FR Stores

This section sets out how a FR Store will collect, use and protect personal information collected using that store’s FR System.

How will I know it’s a FR Store?

Each FR Store will have signage to notify you that it uses facial recognition technology in its store. If you do not want your personal information to be collected by the FR System, please do not enter a FR Store.

What type of personal information will a FR Store collect using its FR System?

A FR Store will collect facial images of everyone entering that store. The store’s FR System will convert these facial images into a digital code called a ‘biometric template’ and will compare that biometric template with those of individuals who that store has previously identified as a person of interest (as defined below). If your facial image does not match with the image of a person of interest, your image and associated biometric template will be automatically deleted from the FR System immediately.

The FR Store may also collect and save your image from its CCTV system into its FR System if the store reasonably believes that you are a person of interest.

A person of interest is someone who has:

(a) stolen or damaged store property, or been aggressive, violent or threatening towards staff or customers, or re-entered the store after being trespassed (an “offender”); or
(b) actively assisted an offender in the commission of the harmful behaviour described in (a) (an “accomplice”).
If you are a person of interest, stores may also collect the following personal information:

•your name;
•a description of the incident; and
•a trespass notice reference ID.

How long will personal information be kept in a FR Store’s FR System?

Where the FR System does not find a match between the collected facial image and a person of interest, then the collected facial image (and associate template) is immediately and automatically deleted.

Where the FR System finds a match and that match is verified by specially trained staff as a person of interest, it will store images of offenders for up to 2 years (unless they re-offend), and images of accomplices for 3 months.

Will personal information collected by a FR Store’s FR System be disclosed to anyone else?

Personal information collected by a FR Store’s FR System will only be disclosed to:

•specially trained store personnel with a legitimate need-to-know;

•Foodstuffs and its service providers for the purpose of assisting the FR Store with operating its FR System; and

•law enforcement where compelled to do so by law.

Please note that FR Stores cannot access or extract biometric templates from their FR Systems.

Can I request removal of my image from the FR system?

In certain circumstances, a FR Store can remove an individual that is a person of interest from its FR System. All other images are automatically deleted from the FR System if there is no match.
If you wish to query your enrolment in the FR System as a person of interest, or if you have any other questions, please email [email protected].

If you wish to request the removal of your information/image from the FR system, please set out in your email: (i) the store the incident took place in, (ii) the date and time of the incident, (iii) what happened, and (iv) the reasons why your information/image should be removed from the FR system. The store will then consider your request by reviewing the information you have provided, including assessing it against the information it has relating to the incident.

How do I access and update my personal information held in a FR Store’s FR System?

You may submit a request to access and correct any personal information held about you by a FR Store directly to that store or by emailing [email protected].

12. Will this policy change?

We may change this Privacy Policy from time to time and we will tell you about a change in the Privacy Policy by updating the “last updated” date on our website.

Unless otherwise stated, any changes to the Privacy Policy will take effect immediately upon being placed on the website and your continued use of the Services will represent an agreement by you to be bound the Privacy Policy as amended.

Last updated: 8 September 2024