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Today7.30am - 8.30pm
Friday7.30am - 8.30pm
Saturday7.30am - 8.30pm
Sunday7.30am - 8.30pm
Monday7.30am - 8.30pm
Tuesday7.30am - 8.30pm
Wednesday7.30am - 8.30pm

Caps and lids recycling at New World

Plastic and metal caps and lids can no longer be recycled in your household rubbish collection but can be recycled at New World!

Simply collect your plastic and metal caps and lids, visit any participating New World store, and drop them into the designated plastic or metal recycling boxes.

How to recycle

1. Make sure your caps and lids are clean and dry.
2. Look out for one of these two boxes at participating New Worlds.

What can be recycled?


Which plastics can we collect?
  • Flip-top/hinged caps.
  • Screw caps.
  • Milk bottle caps.
  • Ice cream container lids.
  • Yoghurt and dip lids (please do now include peel-off film).
  • Supplement bottle lids.
  • Household cleaning lids.
  • Shampoo & cosmetic lids.

No coffee cups or lids please!


Which metals can we collect?
  • Crown caps (bottle caps).
  • Jar lids.
  • Ring pull caps.
  • Wire from sparkling drinks.
  • Metal screw top caps.
  • Aluminum lids.
  • Wine lids.
  • Food tin lids.

No coffee pods please!

Participating New World stores



  • Why can’t caps and lids go in my household recycling?

    From 1 February 2024 what New Zealanders can put into their household recycling bins is the same across most of the country.

    The idea behind the standardisation is that by simplifying and standardising what can be recycled, it is easier for people to put items in the right bin no matter where they are in Aotearoa New Zealand.

    · Some lids are too small for sorting facilities to sort successfully

    · Some lids are too flat and act like paper & cardboard so end up in the wrong location (2L ice-cream lids)

    · Some lids lock in food & liquid in contain which means the container ends up in landfill

    · Some lids are made from plastic or metal that is different to the container material. This makes sorting the recycling difficult.

  • What can be accepted for recycling?

    · Caps

    · Lids

    · Pumps

    · Nozzles

  • What can’t be accepted for recycling?

    · Coffee cup lids – these are compostable not recyclable

    · Coffee pods

    · Triggers from cleaning bottles

  • How do customers recycle them?

    1. Clean any dirty lids

    2. Put plastic lids in one bag.

    3. Put metal lids in a separate bag

    4. Tip out the lids into the correct box

    5. Place the bags into the soft plastic bin for recycling or take them home and use them to start collecting more lids

  • Is there a cost for recycling my caps and lids?
    No this is a free collection.
  • What happens to the caps and lids once they are collected for recycling?
    Plastic lids
    PACT Recycling in Auckland will accept the plastic lids. These are often made from plastic #5 PP and can be recycled in New Zealand and used to make rubbish bins and other plastic products.
    Metal lids
    Hayes Metals, Simms Metals and the Association of Metal Recyclers will take all the metal caps and lids. These will go offshore for recycling and be turned back into metal items.
  • Where in New Zealand can I take my caps and lids for recycling?
    To find a list of collection locations and learn what items can and can’t be recycled, visit
  • List of New World locations accepting used caps and lids

    New World Albany

    New World Birkenhead

    New World Hobsonville

    New World Stonefields

    New World Waiuku


    New World Brookfield

    New World Gate Pa

    New World Mt Manganui


    New World Bishopsdale

    New World Ilam

    New World Preston

    New World Wigram

  • Why isn’t my store also collecting lids for recycling?
    This is a pilot and eventually more of our stores will be offering this service.